Results For: "real estate llc" Sponsored Links

Questions & Answers

What kind of foundations do modular houses have?
A modular house has the same type of foundation as a traditional site-built house. A person can choose from crawl space, piers, and basement or even choose a raised slab foundation. Most common modular houses will have cement and wood as foundation materials. Many times, modular houses are also designed to safely sit on a basement or a perimeter fo
How much does a double wide house cost?
Different sources quote a different range of prices. According to one source, the average price range of double wide homes varied between $90,000 and $100,000. This includes the cost of the home and the cost of the delivery, the foundation and the set-up costs. Prices vary over the seasons, with summertime prices being the highest. Another source q
What are the advantages of modular houses over a typical site-built construction?
Cost is one of the biggest advantages of a modular house over a traditional site-built house. A modular home costs less than a site-built home. Apart from cost, the construction time of modular homes is much faster as these homes are built in a climate-controlled environment. Some manufacturers claim that modular homes can reduce the time taken for
What are the cost differences between a modular house and site-built home?
While a modular home can be a less expensive option for most homeowners, many potential buyers do not end up considering the final delivery as well as the on-site finishing work while calculating the prices of modular homes that they are interested in buying. Even if these factors are considered, a modular home can cost anywhere between 10 to 20 pe

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Questions & Answers

What kind of foundations do modular houses have?
A modular house has the same type of foundation as a traditional site-built house. A person can choose from crawl space, piers, and basement or even choose a raised slab foundation. Most common modular houses will have cement and wood as foundation materials. Many times, modular houses are also designed to safely sit on a basement or a perimeter fo
How much does a double wide house cost?
Different sources quote a different range of prices. According to one source, the average price range of double wide homes varied between $90,000 and $100,000. This includes the cost of the home and the cost of the delivery, the foundation and the set-up costs. Prices vary over the seasons, with summertime prices being the highest. Another source q
What are the advantages of modular houses over a typical site-built construction?
Cost is one of the biggest advantages of a modular house over a traditional site-built house. A modular home costs less than a site-built home. Apart from cost, the construction time of modular homes is much faster as these homes are built in a climate-controlled environment. Some manufacturers claim that modular homes can reduce the time taken for
What are the cost differences between a modular house and site-built home?
While a modular home can be a less expensive option for most homeowners, many potential buyers do not end up considering the final delivery as well as the on-site finishing work while calculating the prices of modular homes that they are interested in buying. Even if these factors are considered, a modular home can cost anywhere between 10 to 20 pe

Interested in "real estate llc"

LLC stands for Limited Liability Company. It is one of the most popular businesses in the US, as it is easy to form and run. A business LLC means the owner has limited legal and financial liability for the business. It is like a hybrid of a corporation and sole partnerships. It is beneficial in protecting the owner's assets in case of a lawsuit. Le

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